Thursday, September 11, 2008


A family of Pukeko have taken up residence in the garden outside my classroom window at school. They are the source of much curiosity for myself and a group of my students as they forage about in the swampy grassland.

Pukeko are a New Zealand native bird. They are a member of the rail family and are also called the Purple Swamp Hen or Purple Gallinule although they are not really purple at all but a striking bright blue colour. Its wings and back are black with a greenish gloss and the undertail coverts are pure white. It has a large scarlet beak and orange-red legs and feet. A very exotic-looking bird it is a favourite for many and is the subject of many art and craft works in New Zealand.

The Pukeko is often thought to have a death wish as it darts around by the side of the road but not according to ornithologist WRB Oliver who had other ideas when he said, “The Pukeko is a bold and fearless bird. It has learned that trains and motorcars are harmless and takes no notice of them.”

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