Wednesday, October 22, 2008

United Future

United Future has been in the happy position of being sought by both of the major political parties. A minnow in political terms, they have been a favourite choice as a coalition partner and they have supplied the Government with confidence and supply for the past two terms.

A centre right party, they are led by the Hon Peter Dunne, member for Ohariu Belmont, and one member elected from the party list.

The party message is that United Future seeks innovative solutions to issues based on common sense, not ideology. United Future is based on the premise that every political issue is ultimately a family issue. When the family is working well, the community and the country is working well.’

United Future was formed in 2000 following a merger between the Future New Zealand (formerly the Christian Democrats) and the United Party. They provided support for a minority Government led by Labour and the Progressive Coalition party (Jim Anderton's party) in an early election in 2002.

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